Wishlist the game on Steam!

Two friends try to summon a demon to fulfill their wish.
Can you solve the riddles to figure out which symbols to use?

This game has autosave. It saves after solving a page.
You can fast forward dialogue using F.
You can mute the audio with M.
F11 for fullscreen (not in browser version).


Q: How does this work? I don’t get it at all!
A: Each page is a short story, with each line referring to a certain symbol. Your goal is to solve each page by drawing the four unique symbols the page refers to. Click on the smaller circles in the summoning circle to draw a symbol.

Q: These riddles are very confusing. Can I get a hint?
A: Try to think about why certain words were used in the riddle. Why was that specific phrasing used, when there were other options? You can also just try. The game will tell if you made any mistakes or not.

And remember that each page is a short story. The line 'shielding us from the flashes of death' is referring to the line before that. 'Echoing through the caves, far below its peak.' The answer to this is what is shielding from the flashes of death. But what are those flashes of death?

Q: I try to draw a certain symbol, but it doesn't work!
A: Sometimes it helps just to draw a little extra. Also, take a good look at the symbol. For example, lips only occupies the lower half. Desert has a line at the bottom (which is not part of the ocean symbol).


Turn on subtitles for an explanation on each riddle.

Full video


PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS, Linux
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(95 total ratings)
Made withLÖVE
TagsLudum Dare, Ludum Dare 55, riddles
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
AccessibilityInteractive tutorial
LinksLudum Dare


Summoner Symbols-win64.zip 12 MB
Summoner Symbols-macos.zip 18 MB
Summoner Symbols.love 9.7 MB

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Great game! And thanks for the tutorial cuz I woudn't get any of there on my own

am i the only one that feels like the riddles arent that intuitive 😅

does one line equal one symbol or is it a whole page? at the second cycle i had to methodically go through each one and i dont understand why fall was an answer? or morning for that matter? im mostly just confused.


One line equals one symbol. So you figure out the four symbols that belong to one page. You can check the walkthrough for hints, or the reasoning behind the answers.

As nature depresses (as in decline, leafs start to wither) it blooms with vibrant colors (the leafs get pretty colors during fall)
Again the sun reveals itself to the world (it's talking about a sunrise, which happens in the morning)

ahhh, see i thought the whole thing was a metaphor for it raining in spring(nature depresses and blooms vibrant colors), and then when it stops raining the sun reveals itself and makes a rainbow

so I thought the entire page was trying to say rainbow and the other pages (that hadn’t turned purple) had some kind of secondary symbol attached that i had to find -.-“


I really liked the riddles. you can actually make out a small story if you try and once you do it's easy to guess the symbols. the end was a bit... not to my taste but I liked the conclusion 

(1 edit) (+1)

Love it! I had lot of fun with riddles. Those clever riddles makes me translating gameplay in Korean by myself. Thank you for great work!

Wow! Amazing that you translated all the text in the video. I'm gonna see if I can get a Korean translation for the expanded version 👍

the size of the chalk is causing me severe difficulties :(


I aDORED this; the riddles were "just right" for me, and I found the symbols easy to memorise (death looks like a funeral ship from the front, the whole spring/summer/fall/winter plants, the way time of day is just the movement of the sun) and the ending was so sweet :')

also got a kick out of the characters' names, lol. 

Great work overall, definitely would play again!


this was so much fun!!

(1 edit) (+2)

This game was awesome once I figured out how to play. Great concept, great art, great riddles! Keep up the good work!

I had lots of fun, and the designs for the symbols are great!


The riddles are difficult in the moment, but they make absolute sense once you hit that moment of realization, I love it! 

Clever riddles, once I got the gist of it it went really well and it made me feel smart. The only criteria I have is that I filled out ''poison'' in the wrong spot, but it did say I only had one wrong which lead to me thinking I only had one wrong answer. I ruled out which one was wrong (by replacing it with an obvious wrong answer) and proceeded to spent way too long drawing all the symbols. None worked obviously, so I had to check the guide to see what I was doing wrong. What I am trying to say is don't let it say you have it correct when its in the wrong spot.

Good game!!! I finally finished it!!!

The riddles were so fun! I had a hard time at first but soon got on a roll. And I really enjoyed the end, this is such a sweet game. 

Reaaaaally nice designed. Love the idea. Keep up the good work!

This became so much easier once I realized that 1 page was 4 symbols. Awesome game!


Played through and it took me maybe about a half hour. Loved the riddles. I totally missed that the riddles were short stories and took each line in a vacuum which caused minor confusion, but only with two of the lines. The one about the "sheilding us from the flashes of death" was the one that upset me the most. Even after understanding the story I'm a little bit dubious of the connection to the answer there. All in all 10/10 game, loved the symbols and didn't have trouble drawing them, skill issue to everyone else I guess /lh.

some symbols were challenging but made sense after input

why page 3 last one is fear makes no sense (there are 3 plausible ones)

because they are too afraid to dare be greedy

(1 edit)

i took the time to translate with out a cifer all the encripted riddles and did you make two things encript to I. (edit never mind i figured it out you just use ddifrent things for capital letters)

Oh my god, I spent 40 minutes deciphering the last 4 pages.............................

And I also thought that each page is for a symbol

Ooooh my goooood, but I still really enjoyed it, amazing game!
it would actually be cool if you could decipher the pages and get a bonus ending for example


Omg the symbol design is so smart,,, the symbols for the seasons are literally plants!!!! Spring is a newly sprung plant, summer is a plant standing tall, fall is a plant starting to wilt, and winter is a dead plant!!!! God, so amazing honestly


i was skipping the dialogue and clicking at the same time and the screen just froze??? idk if its just me this hapened once already

 I am having the hardest time deciphering what is "sheilding us from the flashes of death" is it echoing from inside a cave or something? wait... is it wind????

The page is a short story.

1. Something is flowing through the air, a dance that reaches their ears (What is it?)

2. The thing from 1 is echoing through the cave, far below its peak (Who or what's peak?)

3. The thing from 2 is shielding them from the flashes of that (What are the flashes of death?)

CLUE :What causes  a flashy death?

I can seem to figure out a forest so dense yet it does not speak

If you've figured out the other lines you know that this story is about an actual forest, and that that part is not a figure of speech. So the focus for this line lays on the 'does not speak' part. Maybe that helps.

Bros, can someone give a hint to: "I am no more"? It's so vague and unspecific ToT (It's the only one left, so now I'll just have to trial and error, but this is mostly for the generations ahead of me)

(1 edit)

Note that each page is like a short story. So what is happening in this story, and what has happened to the storyteller that they are no more?


I loved the concept and execution of this game, but I swear if I have to read the phrase  "I think only one of these is incorrect" again any time soon I might lose it lol. I'd be totally willing to buy a longer game with a similar concept, especially with this cute art style.
Also Darine and Luda falling in love ending when???


Especially when you have all but one of the clues, but you checked all the plausible ones for the last one and none of them were it, and now you have to go through one at a time and check all the implausible ones.


this was one of most fun puzzle games that ive ever played! ilism


dude this was so fun to play. awesome!


Be honest, how many people were drawing nazi swastikas? There's gotta ber a story behind this feature. Good joke about summoning Hitler.

(1 edit)

Can you save in browser? I completed a page and it didn't save, but maybe its just a bug

Edit: It now saves, I think it was because my pc froze and I had to restart it

Scratch that, I CANNOT complete the game now on browser because it saved and there's no way to delete the save file. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!

Again, game jam game, can't expect much in terms of bug testing but this sucks. Great game, don't bother with the arrows on the riddle book, they just softlock you.

Yeah sorry about that. I need to fix that bug. It only happens when you're on a different page as you solve the first riddle. You can check the walkthrough for the page that has not been translated.

You can also delete your save file by pressing alt + c, and then refreshing your browser.


I ended up just downloading it to finish it. Infuriating bug aside this is a really good game, I like that they basically just said "Oh, I guess you're too scared." to a demon and it worked lol

(1 edit)

So I'm not sure what specifically happened in the code but I softlocked myself. I did one page and then the demon came and translated the next one, but I couldn't figure it out so I went back and did another one of the first 4 translated pages but when I finished that, it just flipped to the translated page it had just translated. Now like 30 minutes later, I've completely all of the puzzles I can and I have one page not translated that I simply cannot complete because the game decided to translate 1 page twice. I have to do the entire game again because of one bug. I get that this is a game jam game but seriously?


I KEEP COMING BACK!! This is such a good game, the riddles aren't hard to piece together, and the story is so heartwarming! This is my first comment I'm leaving on anything I've played, and u deserve the praise. lovelovelove


Thank you so much!


This game is well made, the soundtrack is eerie but not grating,  and the riddles are hard but use enough logic their easy enough to get and very satisfying to solve. this was super fun, kudos to you.

(1 edit)

I'm on mac, and whenever i try to open the game an error page pops up.

What is the error?

I don't have a mac to test it on, but I'm pretty sure I fixed it.

When I complete the fall riddle, after the end of the demon animation, the game just freezes.

Actually, any riddle freezes the game. It's the 5th one solved.


Wow, how'd you do it?

Deleted 335 days ago

You can actually skip all eight riddles and summon the demon lord right away after the introductory dialogue if you know the final four symbols.


Gonna delete this because spoilers


Yeah sorry about that. I made some changes to make it more clear.

Almost done, just a few more riddles. Also why can't I draw the Gluttony symbol? The girls don't like it when I do it.

(1 edit)

Try drawing it in a different way. Sometimes the game has trouble detecting a certain symbol.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks, I finally managed to draw it, it kept erasing itself every time I almost finished it a got a cutscene when I first drew it in the wrong place. I got the ending, the way she talks to the demon to get him to do it really creative and unexpected, along with the remark he made. Very happy ending, I really liked it.

(1 edit)

the game thought you were drawing the symbol of a certain austrian painters regime

(4 edits) (+1)

the symbol for 'lips' doesn't work no matter what (edit: nvm I got it but idek if it's the right answer to the fourth riddle I'm gonna jump... into a pool)

(edit 2: I give up the second riddle LMAO I tried everything that makes sense to me) 

(edit 3: WELL THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN EXPLAINED BETTER, either that or I am very dumb, apparently each line of the riddle is a different symbol... wow).

(EDIT 4: beat the game after it was updated let's goooo)!

i think it's a mountain but it still aint working so i guess im wrong

How did you get the lips to work???

I understand your troubles, basically it doesn't look like it but only use the bottom half of the square to make the hourglass shape 

Sorry about that. I made some changes to make it more clear.

thank you 🙏

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