Summoner Symbols is coming to Steam!

Summoner Symbols is coming to Steam with the new title To Bring Her Back

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I want to thank everyone who played, commented, rated and reviewed Summoner Symbols. The overwhelming positive feedback is what made me confident to expand this game. Here are some features that are planned for this new game.

  • Better and more riddles — The riddles as you know them will be there. The original game was made in three days, and as a result some riddles were too difficult or too easy. With the new game I'll make sure to put more time and effort into perfecting these riddles.
  • Different types of gameplay — Not a lot I can say about this yet, but there will be some variations in the types of puzzles. Though solving riddles will always be a part of that.
  • Better graphics — We will update the graphics to a higher quality, and increase the atmosphere of the game even more. What you see on the store page is still work in progress, but you can already see the updated tomes and font.
  • More story — We will learn more about the history between the two protagonists, and see their relationship develop throughout the game. And where the game ended in the original, there is more to explore in this new game.
  • Replayability — What's the fun in playing a puzzle game after you have already solved all the puzzles? Or if you have seen someone solve it? The plan is to create multiple sets of puzzles for you to enjoy the game multiple times.
  • Level editor — I want people to be able to create their own riddles and symbols. I imagine themed riddles, like a Disney or Pokémon pack. "It can be you, or me, or whoever it wants to be." What Pokémon could that be referring to? Or how about "Two minds sharing the wings they lack"?

I have been making games for a very long time now. Many times have I tried to create something that I would feel comfortable to sell on Steam, and many times have I failed. This time is different. I will make sure to finish this game, bringing you a quality product that will amplify the joy you got from the original version.

Thank you so much for reading! Follow me on Twitter (X) for more updates.

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It would be really nice if we could still buy the expanded version on, at the same price point as on Steam. Unless Steam has demanded exclusivity, I mean. I always prefer buying on because, unless I'm VERY much mistaken, the creator gets a bigger piece of the profits.


Honestly, the title should have been that I am working on an expanded version rather than that it's coming to Steam. The new game will be available on as well! And thank you for that <3