A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

With most of the country infected by a virus, only blood transfusions can save them.

The Electronic Blood Generator is a machine that can convert electricity into blood. To get the electricity needed, it will use your laptop's battery.

But the machine cannot feed on a charging battery. so to activate the machine, you will need to unplug the charger.

(Fake battery mode included for if you don’t have a laptop)

The game autosaves.

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
Tagsbattery, cookieclicker, heart, Idle, idle-game, Ludum Dare, Ludum Dare 39
LinksLudum Dare


Unplugged_win.zip 4.9 MB
Unplugged_osx.zip 6.7 MB
Unplugged.love 2.4 MB
Unplugged.apk 6.4 MB


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An absolutely unique mechanic, and a good thing to just play on the side while working or whatnot.

(1 edit)

Fun time killer, only bad thing is the lack of starting over once you finish the game.

edit: typo

Hey, I tried the game on the Android mobile version, The camera is extremely zoomed in, Do you know what might be the cause of this? If so how do can i fix it? (If possible).

downloads not working for Android

Hey, I tried the mobile version, and it's extremely zoomed in, do you know what might cause this?

That's probably the code not being optimized for your screen/resolution. Sorry about that.


This is genius.

How do you run this on Linux?

You need install https://love2d.org

(1 edit)

What if my laptop doesn't have a working battery? Could you add a manual switch for dead batteries and PCs?

There already is! (Also I figured I should add that to the description)


The idea of using physical object as a controller is great.

So true.