A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

An underwater exploration game.

Lost on an island there is only one way to go to find items for your raft.

Look for 10 pieces of wood that will allow you to build a raft and escape the island.

Find items that will help you dive even deeper

But make sure you get back before you run out of breath...

Made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare #48.


Deep Seek for Windows 6.2 MB
Deep Seek for OSX 9.6 MB
deep-seek.love 2.8 MB


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Hi Sheepolution! I'm really excited about trying your new game!
However the OSX file seems to be damaged, which prevents me from running it on Mac :-(
(macOS Sierra, 10.12.6)

I hope you'll find time to look into it.
Keep up the good work!

Sorry about that. I don't have a Mac to test this on. I uploaded a new build, hopefully this fixes it.

The problem remains.

Thank you for trying though!

It's something to do with 10.12 (same here). Download LOVE and drop the above file on it to play.


You were right! I eventually updated my system to 10.15.7 and now the game works, thank you!

And thanks again Sheepolution for this nice game ~~(^_^)~~

(1 edit) (+1)

If anyone else has this error, it's because you have to enable "Allow apps downloaded from anywhere" on the General tab under Security & Privacy in System Preferences. The problem is that some computers don't have the "anywhere" option anymore, so you have to open Terminal and paste: sudo spctl --master-disable and enter your password. Then reopen System Preferences and the option will be selected. This will work for future apps, too.

After all of this, you'll get the annoying "blocked because unidentified developer" pop-up, which means you go back to the General tab under Security & Privacy in System Preferences and click "Open Anyway". 

Yet another instance of Apple trying to save us from ourselves by making us go through steps that make it more likely we'll mess something up. Sigh.